Two Current U.S. Passports At Once?

Hand holding three US Passports - two passports at once - GreatDistances / Matt Wicks

There are times when carrying one physical U.S. passport booklet is just not enough.  Sometimes you need more than one, especially if visa application processes require shipping your passport booklet off.

Though the U.S. State Department doesn’t really advertise it well, U.S. citizens can legally have/carry two passports simultaneously, and you don’t have to be a dignitary nor a government employee to obtain a second passport booklet – you just have to make a (fairly basic) case to the State Dept that you actually need a second passport.

Friend and fellow traveler Kathy Watts of travel site Wherever With You is a dual-passport carrying U.S. citizen and wrote about how to get a second U.S. passport on Outside Online.

Click through for the full article “Can I Really Have Two U.S. Passports?” on Outside Online (or click here if you don’t yet have your first U.S. Passport!).

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